针对目前城市电动汽车(electric vehicle, EV)充电站存在盲目建设、规划不合理导致的部分充电站利用率低、用户充电满意度低等问题,同......
In order to reduce the air pollution by traditional fossil fuel and save the charging cost,much attention has been paid ......
电动汽车(Electric Vehicle,EV)的普及是应对环境日益恶化、推进节能减排的重要手段之一。目前,世界各国都在大力推动EV的发展。充电......
The integration of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) in future smart cities could help solve many traffic-related challenge......
Identification Technology for State of Charge of a Battery Based on Nonlinear Equivalent Circuit Mod
A nonlinear equivalent circuit model for battery of electric vehicle is presented,taking into account the nonlinear effe......
The inconsistency in series battery voltage is studied, and the impact of various parameters on the characteristics of b......
With the advantages of non-pollution, low noise, and high energy efficiency, electric cars have become an important tren......
食管静脉曲张破裂出血(esophabeal varices,EV)是消化内科常见的急危重症,原发性肝癌、布加综合征等引起的门脉高压症,也是引起食......
Assessing effectiveness for revenue distribution of existing building energy-saving renovation proje
The revenue distribution of the existing building energy-saving renovation is the lever to drive the subject’s momentum......
“随着起亚EV6推出,起亚中长期战略“Plan S”正式启航,该战略旨在加大起亚电动化发展力度,目标在2026年前在全球推出11款全新的电......
New energy electric vehicles has become the focus of the development of various OEMs in recent years.They have relea......
There were many researches concerning toxicology of traditional medicine and active natural products during the past 12 ......
<正> Sicklerite is a secondary lithium phosphate mineral, a weathered product of the lithiophilite-triphilite series occ......
The power output of the photovoltaic(PV) system having multiple arrays gets reduced to a great extent when it is partial......
<正>The Electrical Vehicle Workgroup of the China-Germany Standardization Cooperation Commission (CGSCC) held the second......
It is well known that for one-dimensional normal EV regression model X = x +u, Y= α+βx+e, where x, u, e are mutually i......
在这份报纸,我们调查这个问题:G-Brownian 运动的增长怎么大。我们获得 C ? rg 和 R 敮臰? 臰?$......
In order to detect cross-sectional age characteristics of cognitive neural mechanisms in audio-visual modal interference......
Satellite laser ranging experiment with sub-centimeter single-shot ranging precision at Shanghai Obs
The Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, incollaboration with the Czech Technical University,......
目的了解肠道病毒71型(EV71)IgM阳性手足口病患儿心肌酶谱的改变及其临床意义。方法对我市2009年3~4月收治的EV 71IgM阳性的足口病......
Inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) are used in spectrochemical analyses.The in-troduction of the sample by means of an a......
Graphene has attracted enormous interests due to its unique physical, mechanical, and electrical properties. Specially,g......
The paper carried on the classified and rating evaluation primarily on natural landscape resources in Lushan Mountain. A......
北京街头的新能源车已经越来越多,随着充电桩的普及,就让我们来一次不远不近的郊游吧,去看着心目中的十里桃花林EX 260作为一款小S......
Based on the survey data for 2120 inbound and domestic tourists at the Shanghai World Expo,a structural equation model w......
AIM:To investigate whether there is a link between diabetes mellitus(DM) and gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD).METHO......
Since the discovery of the C60,the structural modification of C60 molecule under the strong radiation field has been att......